Undergraduate Performing Arts Portfolio

For Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Interdisciplinary Performing Arts with focus areas in Dance, Music-Performance, Music-Sound Studies, Performance Design & Technology, and Theatre Applicants.

Submit your BFA portfolio through the SlideRoom portal. No portfolio is required for the Bachelor of Arts (BA) degrees.

Submit My Portfolio

Performing Arts Portfolio Requirements

As a BFA candidate, you will need to complete application requirements for both the university and the Performing Arts. 

Alfred University Application Requirements

  1. Personal essay
  2. Transcript
  3. Activities/extracurriculars
  4. Letters of Recommendation

Performing Arts Requirements by Discipline

All Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) Performing Arts applicants must submit a portfolio through SlideRoom that includes the following:

  1. Experience Document - Elaborate on your academic application
  2. Self-Portrait Video or Writing Piece
  3. Wildcard
  4. Discipline Specific Requirements

Experience Document

Your Experience Document should be up to 2 pages. Share with us details that include experiences in recent years that you believe would be helpful as the starting point for a conversation. You might include productions you have been involved in, works you have created, roles played, solos and other performances, honors and awards received, and other interests.  

  • Experience (performing, dancing, directing, writing, designing, etc.) in film, television, or related media – such as YouTube, TikTok or Instagram, school plays, roles performed in class, etc.
  • Specific training, workshops and/or courses in these or related fields
  • Recognition, awards, or achievements in these or related fields  

Self-Portrait Video or Writing Piece

Your Self-Portrait Video or Writing Piece should be up to 3 minutes or 3 pages. Record one introduction "slate" video stating your name or include it in your writing. If you would like to include your pronouns, state them as well. Please speak loudly (projecting your voice) and clearly articulating to the camera. This is an opportunity for the auditors to get a sense of your personality and learn your name's pronunciation.  

Tell us about/show us the type of artistic work that excites you. The work can be something that you have read, created, performed, or attended. The artistic work can be from a play, musical, movie, theatrical production, spoken-word performance, podcast, music video, dance work, opera, etc.   


Think about the wild card section as an opportunity to show your personality or share something about yourself. This media can be anything you want - a special skill, an interesting story about yourself, a passion speech, an instrument you play, etc. What do you want us to know about you? Below is a list of ideas that have been successful in the past: 

  • Singing a pop song 
  • Singing or playing an original composition/song/poem or choreographed dance 
  • Performing your own Saturday Night Live-styled skit where you create a comedic character
  • Sharing a hobby or activity that means something to you 
  • Performing in a language other than English in which you are fluent
  • Playing an instrument 
  • Make a how-to video on something you are good at, such as baking, skateboarding, juggling, knitting, gardening, calligraphy, gymnastics, etc.
  • If you are a dancer, show us your distinctive style by performing in the form you excel in (ex: Modern, Jazz, African, Hip Hop, or Ballet) 
  • Sharing a production book or project journal 
  • Cosplaying
  • Sharing your YouTube Channel Link

Discipline Specific Requirements

BFA Dance applicants must submit a 2-3 minute video that shows you as a mover in either of the following options:

  1. a solo dance, a group dance that you are in (make sure to clearly identify which person you are), or a video of you moving in another way that demonstrates what kind of movement is interesting to you. It could be athletic, artistic, or freeform.
  2. a dance showing your original choreography. You do not need to be the performer in the work.

Important Guidelines for Portfolio Submissions

Framing for Dance / Movement  

We recommend a setup that allows us to see the top of your head to the floor. This allows us to see how you inhabit space.  

Framing for Choreography 

We recommend whatever framing best represents your artistic vision. 

Labeling Guidelines for All Media (not necessary for SlideRoom)   

Label each video file with the piece you are performing, the show title (if applicable), and your first and last name: 


  • Joey Johnson _ Don’t Stop the Light  
  • Taison Thompson _ Rent 

All Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) Performing Arts applicants must submit a portfolio through SlideRoom that includes the following:

  1. Experience Document - Elaborate on your academic application
  2. Self-Portrait Video or Writing Piece
  3. Wildcard
  4. Discipline Specific Requirements

Experience Document

Your Experience Document should be up to 2 pages. Share with us details that include experiences in recent years that you believe would be helpful as the starting point for a conversation. You might include productions you have been involved in, works you have created, roles played, solos and other performances, honors and awards received, and other interests.

  • Experience (performing, dancing, directing, writing, designing, etc.) in film, television, or related media – such as YouTube, TikTok or Instagram, school plays, roles performed in class, etc.
  • Specific training, workshops and/or courses in these or related fields  
  • Recognition, awards, or achievements in these or related fields  

Self-Portrait Video or Writing Piece

Your Self-Portrait Video or Writing Piece should be up to 3 minutes or 3 pages. Record one introduction "slate" video stating your name or include it in your writing. If you would like to include your pronouns, state them as well. Please speak loudly (projecting your voice) and clearly articulating to the camera. This is an opportunity for the auditors to get a sense of your personality and learn your name's pronunciation.  

Tell us about/show us the type of artistic work that excites you. The work can be something that you have read, created, performed, or attended. The artistic work can be from a play, musical, movie, theatrical production, spoken-word performance, podcast, music video, dance work, opera, etcetera.   


Think about the wild card section as an opportunity to show your personality or share something about yourself. This media can be anything you want - a special skill, an interesting story about yourself, a passion speech, an instrument you play, etc. What do you want us to know about you? Below is a list of ideas that have been successful in the past: 

  • Singing a pop song 
  • Singing or playing an original composition/song/poem or choreographed dance 
  • Performing your own Saturday Night Live-styled skit where you create a comedic character
  • Sharing a hobby or activity that means something to you 
  • Performing in a language other than English in which you are fluent
  • Playing an instrument 
  • Make a how-to video on something you are good at, such as baking, skateboarding, juggling, knitting, gardening, calligraphy, gymnastics, etc.
  • If you are a dancer, show us your distinctive style by performing in the form you excel in (ex: Modern, Jazz, African, Hip Hop, or Ballet) 
  • Sharing a production book or project journal 
  • Cosplaying
  • Sharing your YouTube Channel Link

Discipline Specific Requirements

BFA Music-Performance vocalists must submit a recording of one piece.

BFA Music-Performance instrumentalists must submit one of the following:

  1. A recording of a solo with or without accompaniment not to exceed 5 min. 
  2. A recording of an etude or contrasting work not to exceed 5 minutes. 

Important Guidelines for Portfolio Submissions

Framing for Songs 

Camera framing is simply the placement and position of the actor in the shot. We recommend a waist up frame so we can see your face and hear you clearly.

Labeling Guidelines for All Media (not necessary for SlideRoom)   

Label each video file with the piece you are performing, the show title (if applicable), and your first and last name: 


  • Joey Johnson _ Don’t Stop the Light  
  • Taison Thompson _ Rent 

All Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) Performing Arts applicants must submit a portfolio through SlideRoom that includes the following:

  1. Experience Document - Elaborate on your academic application
  2. Self-Portrait Video or Writing Piece
  3. Wildcard
  4. Discipline Specific Requirements

Experience Document

Your Experience Document should be up to 2 pages. Share with us details that include experiences in recent years that you believe would be helpful as the starting point for a conversation. You might include productions you have been involved in, works you have created, roles played, solos and other performances, honors and awards received, and other interests.

  • Experience (performing, dancing, directing, writing, designing, etc.) in film, television, or related media – such as YouTube, TikTok or Instagram, school plays, roles performed in class, etc.
  • Specific training, workshops and/or courses in these or related fields  
  • Recognition, awards, or achievements in these or related fields  

Self-Portrait Video or Writing Piece

Your Self-Portrait Video or Writing Piece should be up to 3 minutes or 3 pages. Record one introduction "slate" video stating your name or include it in your writing. If you would like to include your pronouns, state them as well. Please speak loudly (projecting your voice) and clearly articulating to the camera. This is an opportunity for the auditors to get a sense of your personality and learn your name's pronunciation.  

Tell us about/show us the type of artistic work that excites you. The work can be something that you have read, created, performed, or attended. The artistic work can be from a play, musical, movie, theatrical production, spoken-word performance, podcast, music video, dance work, opera, etcetera.   


Think about the wild card section as an opportunity to show your personality or share something about yourself. This media can be anything you want - a special skill, an interesting story about yourself, a passion speech, an instrument you play, etc. What do you want us to know about you? Below is a list of ideas that have been successful in the past: 

  • Singing a pop song 
  • Singing or playing an original composition/song/poem or choreographed dance 
  • Performing your own Saturday Night Live-styled skit where you create a comedic character
  • Sharing a hobby or activity that means something to you 
  • Performing in a language other than English in which you are fluent
  • Playing an instrument 
  • Make a how-to video on something you are good at, such as baking, skateboarding, juggling, knitting, gardening, calligraphy, gymnastics, etc.
  • If you are a dancer, show us your distinctive style by performing in the form you excel in (ex: Modern, Jazz, African, Hip Hop, or Ballet) 
  • Sharing a production book or project journal 
  • Cosplaying
  • Sharing your YouTube Channel Link

Discipline Specific Requirements

BFA Music-Sound Studies applicants must pick two from the options below or others that highlight your interest in making music, sound, and acoustic environments: 

  1. Up to 3 minutes of video or audio reel of projects you have worked on that highlights your music and sound. (ex: computer generated, creation of sound making device, mixing, alternative approaches to thinking about music, use of software such as Ableton Live, FL Studio, etc.)  
  2. Up to 3 minutes of Audio clips of Foley (sound effects) you have made. You can embed them from a platform such as SoundCloud.
  3. Video of you recording sound
  4. Compositions you have written and/or performed
  5. Video of your instrumentation or vocal work in any style
  6. A statement outlining your interest in creating alternative forms of music or sound and/or music-related fields

Important Guidelines for Portfolio Submissions

Labeling Guidelines for All Media (not necessary for SlideRoom)   

Label each video file with the piece you are performing, the show title (if applicable), and your first and last name: 


  • Joey Johnson _ Don’t Stop the Light  
  • Taison Thompson _ Rent 

All Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) Performing Arts applicants must submit a portfolio through SlideRoom that includes the following:

  1. Experience Document - Elaborate on your academic application
  2. Self-Portrait Video or Writing Piece
  3. Wildcard
  4. Discipline Specific Requirements

Experience Document

Your Experience Document should be up to 2 pages. Share with us details that include experiences in recent years that you believe would be helpful as the starting point for a conversation. You might include productions you have been involved in, works you have created, roles played, solos and other performances, honors and awards received, and other interests.  

  • Experience (performing, dancing, directing, writing, designing, etc.) in film, television, or related media – such as YouTube, TikTok or Instagram, school plays, roles performed in class, etc.
  • Specific training, workshops and/or courses in these or related fields  
  • Recognition, awards, or achievements in these or related fields  

Self-Portrait Video or Writing Piece

Your Self-Portrait Video or Writing Piece should be up to 3 minutes or 3 pages. Record one introduction "slate" video stating your name or include it in your writing. If you would like to include your pronouns, state them as well. Please speak loudly (projecting your voice) and clearly articulating to the camera. This is an opportunity for the auditors to get a sense of your personality and learn your name's pronunciation.  

Tell us about/show us the type of artistic work that excites you. The work can be something that you have read, created, performed, or attended. The artistic work can be from a play, musical, movie, theatrical production, spoken-word performance, podcast, music video, dance work, opera, etcetera.   


Think about the wild card section as an opportunity to show your personality or share something about yourself. This media can be anything you want - a special skill, an interesting story about yourself, a passion speech, an instrument you play, etc. What do you want us to know about you? Below is a list of ideas that have been successful in the past: 

  • Singing a pop song 
  • Singing or playing an original composition/song/poem or choreographed dance 
  • Performing your own Saturday Night Live-styled skit where you create a comedic character
  • Sharing a hobby or activity that means something to you 
  • Performing in a language other than English in which you are fluent
  • Playing an instrument 
  • Make a how-to video on something you are good at, such as baking, skateboarding, juggling, knitting, gardening, calligraphy, gymnastics, etc.
  • If you are a dancer, show us your distinctive style by performing in the form you excel in (ex: Modern, Jazz, African, Hip Hop, or Ballet) 
  • Sharing a production book or project journal 
  • Cosplaying
  • Sharing your YouTube Channel Link

Discipline Specific Requirements

BFA Performance Design and Technology applicants must submit a portfolio documenting 3 to 5 projects or pieces with a total of 10 to 15 images.

  • Slide images should include process documentation and images of the completed piece or project. Process documentation may have photos of the incomplete piece or project, sketches, drawings, lists, or other planning documents. 
  • Slides may contain up to three images. Multiple image slides should contain a finished image.

Slides should include the following information:

  • Title of the production, piece, or project
  • The date production opened or when the piece or project was completed
  • Materials or media used 
  • Images of work should be of high quality and formatted for SlideRoom viewing

Portfolio work can include the following types:

  • Work directly connected to the design or production of performance pieces including scenic, lighting, costume, projection, props, sound, and stage management 
  • Art or craft projects in any medium
  • Any project involving making that is aesthetically interesting or addresses a technical issue

Portfolio Tips 

  • If you have documentation from performance events, please include it: from set design, costumes, make-up, lighting, sound, or props. If not, you can upload works that are not from a performance.   
  • Documentation may include photos, videos, drawings, or other materials used in the process.  
  • Your portfolio may include "work in progress." Sketches can provide valuable information about how you see, work, and think.  

Important Guidelines for Portfolio Submissions

Labeling Guidelines for All Media (not necessary for SlideRoom)   

Label each video file with the piece you are performing, the show title (if applicable), and your first and last name: 


  • Joey Johnson _ Don’t Stop the Light  
  • Taison Thompson _ Rent 

All Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) Performing Arts applicants must submit a portfolio through SlideRoom that includes the following:

  1. Experience Document - Elaborate on your academic application
  2. Self-Portrait Video or Writing Piece
  3. Wildcard
  4. Discipline Specific Requirements

Experience Document

Your Experience Document should be up to 2 pages. Share with us details that include experiences in recent years that you believe would be helpful as the starting point for a conversation. You might include productions you have been involved in, works you have created, roles played, solos and other performances, honors and awards received, and other interests.

  • Experience (performing, dancing, directing, writing, designing, etc.) in film, television, or related media – such as YouTube, TikTok or Instagram, school plays, roles performed in class, etc.
  • Specific training, workshops and/or courses in these or related fields  
  • Recognition, awards, or achievements in these or related fields  

Self-Portrait Video or Writing Piece

Your Self-Portrait Video or Writing Piece should be up to 3 minutes or 3 pages. Record one introduction "slate" video stating your name or include it in your writing. If you would like to include your pronouns, state them as well. Please speak loudly (projecting your voice) and clearly articulating to the camera. This is an opportunity for the auditors to get a sense of your personality and learn your name's pronunciation.  

Tell us about/show us the type of artistic work that excites you. The work can be something that you have read, created, performed, or attended. The artistic work can be from a play, musical, movie, theatrical production, spoken-word performance, podcast, music video, dance work, opera, etcetera.   


Think about the wild card section as an opportunity to show your personality or share something about yourself. This media can be anything you want - a special skill, an interesting story about yourself, a passion speech, an instrument you play, etc. What do you want us to know about you? Below is a list of ideas that have been successful in the past: 

  • Singing a pop song 
  • Singing or playing an original composition/song/poem or choreographed dance 
  • Performing your own Saturday Night Live-styled skit where you create a comedic character
  • Sharing a hobby or activity that means something to you 
  • Performing in a language other than English in which you are fluent
  • Playing an instrument 
  • Make a how-to video on something you are good at, such as baking, skateboarding, juggling, knitting, gardening, calligraphy, gymnastics, etc.
  • If you are a dancer, show us your distinctive style by performing in the form you excel in (ex: Modern, Jazz, African, Hip Hop, or Ballet) 
  • Sharing a production book or project journal 
  • Cosplaying
  • Sharing your YouTube Channel Link

Discipline Specific Requirements

BFA Theatre applicants must submit two contrasting, memorized monologue clips, 60-90 seconds (about 1 and a half minutes) in length. At the beginning of the clip, please state the following information:  

  • Character 
  • Name of the piece
  • Playwright

Ex: “This is Blanche from A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams”

Monologue Tips

  • “Contrasting” can mean one dramatic monologue and one comedic, prose/verse, classical/contemporary, time, genre, or any number of other ways monologues can contrast.
  • Choose material you feel comfortable with and appropriate to your age and experience. Avoid excessively stylized pieces, dialects, and extreme physicality. 
  • Choose monologues with which you feel a particular connection, whether it is commonly known or less so. It is fine to use a monologue book to select your pieces. Although it is not required, it is suggested that you read the entire play from which your monologue is selected to thoroughly understand the circumstances of the characters to whom they speak and why.
  • Remember that an audition should demonstrate both your talent and your potential. 

Important Guidelines for Portfolio Submissions

Framing for Slates, Songs, and Monologues  

Camera framing is simply the placement and position of the actor in the shot. We recommend a waist up frame so we can see your face and hear you clearly. 

Framing for Movement  

We recommend a setup that allows us to see the top of your head to the floor. This allows us to see how you inhabit space.  

If it is helpful for you to see yourself, place a full-length mirror behind the filming device and remember that the camera is your audience.  

Labeling Guidelines for All Media (not necessary for SlideRoom)   

Label each video file with the piece you are performing, the show title (if applicable), and your first and last name: 


  • Joey Johnson _ Don’t Stop the Light  
  • Taison Thompson _ Rent 

First Year

  • Regular Decision: February 1
  • Early Action: December 1


  • Spring Admission: November 15
  • Fall Admission: March 1
  • You must submit your portfolio electronically through our SlideRoom portal. An email address is required to register. SlideRoom's online portal offers additional instructions for submitting your work. If you need technical assistance, please email.
  • You may upload images (jpg), video (mov, wmv, flv, mp4), music (mp3) or .pdf files.
  • For good image quality and fast upload, images should be sized with a maximum dimension of 1024 px. Please keep video files under 60 MB each.
  • Files can be submitted as follows:Images max dimension of 1024 px @ 72 dpi. (up to 5 MB each) - .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .tif, .tiff, .bmp, .tga
  • Videos (up to 250 MB each) - .m4v, .mov, .mp4, .wmv, .flv, .asf, .mpeg, .mpg, .mkv
  • Audio (30 MB each) - .mp3, .wma, .ogg, .flac -Video and Sound pieces must be no longer than 5 minutes

Want Some Help?

We can review your art portfolio on the phone with you in addition to giving you an overview of our program and facilities! Let's Connect!

View some quick portfolio tips from the School of Art and Design.

If you're a high school sophomore, junior or senior, then you may be interested in attending our Art Portfolio Prep Summer Camp. Registration is usually available in January - May before the camp kicks off in the summer months.

More Info

Art Admissions Events Image

Arts Admissions Events

Visit us virtually or in-person and let us show you around! We also attend a number of National Portfolio Day events and may be coming to a city near you!

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Arts At Alfred

For true artists, there's nothing more empowering than being given the space to thrive. At Alfred, you'll create without constraints on a...

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We are a talent incubator - putting ingenuity and creativity to work - in good jobs and careers making a difference around the world. Are you next?

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